The license was very costly around 3000 dollars while JAVA was free and programming Sybase support didnt exists. I took over around five projects where programming goal was programmers migrate from Powerbuilder programmers Visual Basic since programming purposes functionality were very poor, when I made desktop science couple of changes, customers found out about programming advantages of powerbuilder. Unfortunately, faculties and agencies didnt train people on account of programming high license cost. While between 1997 and 2002 you were able programmers find at least 4 offers powerbuilder jobs computer technology day, In 2011 I found five in whole year and in 2012 only one has gave the impression. It is sad programmers see how people get inspired for what JAVA and NET are able programmers do nowdays when Powerbuilder was able programmers make it ten years ago. Even, on your article you discuss Powerbuilder was great in server client but I was able programmers introduce two answers with Powerbuilder Web.